Thursday, November 27, 2008

National confusion.

The destruction of the World Trade Center was a great blow to the North American psyche, which caused a sudden, equally great increase of people seeking after You, Lord. I have wondered how You will convince all men that You are 'The Almighty God' of old, short of the day we all stand before Your throne, and see You with our own eyes. It took the plagues of Egypt to convince pharaoh that the Hebrew God was more powerful than the Egyptian gods; it took the miracles of the great exodus, and fourty years in the wilderness to erase the doubts of Your chosen people.

It is interesting that ancient Egypt is considered by some modern preachers as symbolic of the world. The system of rulership was essentially no different to any dictatorship, the great buildings that recorded the exploits of the pharaohs were nothing more than propaganda to build patriotism. Like any nation, the rules and regulations indoctrinate the people with traditions that replace freewill. Sadly, when living by the ways of the world, it robs us of trust in You, LORD.

Is is our faulty ideas of love and compassion that prevent us from understanding what is written about You, that Your ways are higher than ours? When I started to study the bible it was comforting to discover in the Old Testament that You patiently wait for us to dare to believe again. In faith, when faced with great devastation, all we can do is hold on to the promise that whatever the devil means for evil You will use for Your good purpose; so that we can grow to our full potential. This helped me to ponder the question of what each current trial can teach me.

One thing I heard while watching a current events discussion, revealed how patriotism blinds us. Most Americans can't understand how anyone can hate them enough to do such an awful thing. I think it stems from the human tendency to take attacks as personal, but in this case it is the American foreign policies that anger people who have been used to serve the American governments political, and economic purpose; only to be abandoned when they are no longer useful. It is little wonder that Saddam sees Bush as Satan.

Orwell's novel, '1984' exposed such tactics as the evil works of dictatorship. We relate them to Communism or Fascism, but the truth is that Colonialism and Imperialism operated the same way; it's an 'us and them' mentality that is bred by patriotism, and lust for control. Today's isms are Capitalism and Socialism. All of them are systems that are ruled by the nations elite, who want control over their own serfs, and the countries that have the natural resources they want. More than once I've heard middle-easterners say, "It's about the oil." Even Bush Sr. said in one of his speeches that war is about preserving 'our way of life.' Interestingly, any systems army cannot be sent off to kill 'the others' until they are indoctrinated by dehumanizing the projected enemy with labels such as: commie, gook, terrorist, and other derogatory terms. The big threat of any perceived enemy is the loss of freedom. How little we understand that freedom is only an illusion, created by social engineering.

Much of the western world is a product of Colonialism, ruled by a WASP sensibility, which can't perceive past a relatively shallow outlook on life. It has made us the spoiled brats of the world.
Without knowing it, all of North America has made the same mistakes as Israel did in the promised land; embracing the ways of the world, and turning their backs on God. Putting the conspiracy theories aside, it's no wonder you allowed the events of 9/11 to throw the people into confusion. Like Rip Van Winckle, my radical spirit has been asleep, and as I learn more of the coming New World Order it makes me nervous, and excited at the same time. For this is surely the establishing of the system that will be ruled by the last and most feared dictator.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Watching one of the documentaries I was reminded of how much I hate the media coverage of shocking news events. When interviewing witnesses the reporters milk the human interest angle by asking something stupid about how it makes them feel. I wasn't surprised to hear that on 9/11 the faith of many was shaken.

A few years ago I read that the sheer horror and hopelessness of WWII turned many away from you, LORD; so I wasn't that surprised to find that 9/11 shook the confidence of many that day too. When I heard an interviewee ask, "How could God do such a thing?" I wanted to shout, "It's not true!" I know that Your integrity doesn't need defending, and surely such a question only shows an ignorance of the Old Testament. The story of Job reveals that You allow the evil one to test even Godly people with great disasters. In the case of ancient Israel You allowed them to suffer at the hand of oppressors as a wake-up call; and surely many need one today.

Sometimes it's hard to understand that You allow bad things to happen to draw Your people closer to You, and that eventually the experience will enable the victims to be a blessing to other people. The death of a loved one is a hard lesson, but when the grieving is over, we are more likely to have compassion for others who are dealing with a great loss. It's interesting to recall that Jesus is referred to as 'a man of sorrow' and as scripture tells us, as our high priest He is well acquainted with everything we may suffer. If He had to endure the trials of life, to prepare him for the earthly ministry, then why should we expect to be exempt from them?

Listening to the anguish of those who couldn't find their loved ones reminded me of the death of my firstborn. Like many that September morning, I didn't have You in my heart then, LORD. I always thought I was a Christian, but I didn't have a personal relationship with You. I had heard that we are reunited with loved ones when we die, but there was no comfort in my heart for what I had lost. Now I can appreciate Your pain as you watched Your only begotten son die; even though you knew it would mean He was coming home to be with you.

For those of us who are waiting for Your promised return, these days are looking more like signs of the times that the last days are upon us. It surprised me to read that 'the church' will be shaken; as I interact on open forums, and exercise my faith, it is surprising how many bitter scoffers used to be Christians. I even know some born-again people who got discouraged when their faith was tested, and their prayers seemed to go unheard. As it is written: "My people perish for lack of patience." Yes, we are adicted to instant gratification; I suspect this was a cause for the ancient Israelites turning to pagan gods.

Because everything we ever experience is tucked away in our memory banks, we are never free of what we heard about You, Lord. Even in my darkest days when I lived according to the ways of the world, I never gave up the hope that what I heard was not merely a myth. It usually takes some deep distress for us to appeal to Your mercy. In the chronicles of Your ancient people we see the renewal of peace and prosperity when they turned back to You. Bush's call for a national day of prayer, seemed to galvanize believers with something they could do for the families of the victims. It was very good for his image as a new President.

It was amazing to hear the stories of those who had been in the buildings, and lived to tell about it. There were also those who were supposed to be there, but for some reason were late, or somewhere else. More often than not it was Christian tv, and publications that told these tales. That surely is an example of saving grace. It blessed my heart to see the news reports of great public gathering to pray for those directly affected by the chaos created on 9/11.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Feeling impotent (continued).

When I was writing the first draft I wasn't hooked up to the net, so my research was from National Geographic articles, plus Time magazine, and current affairs discussions with experts in foreign affairs; aired after the nightly news. As I listened to them I wondered if Saddam had some aide listening to American broadcasts, for surely he would want to stay abreast of what his enemy was saying about him. Someone brought up an impending election in which Bush's brother was a contender; it occured to me that the anniversary could make for some aggressive politicking. As an afterthought, the second anniversary seemed to slip by with very little attention.

Now I am online: doing Google and YouTube searches confirms my suspicion of the renewed patriotic fervor, with it's call for homeland security, and the 'sabre rattling' against the 'Axis of Evil' was all propaganda. It's obvious now that the fear of biological warfare was a prelude to taking Saddam down. This year, during the summer, I got wind of the theory that 9/11 was an inside job, engineered to give Bush an excuse to attack Afghanistan.

I always thought it was so amazing that both the towers imploded, keeping the debris centralized. To my surprise there are videos on YouTube explaining the process of demolition, and the evidence at ground zero that lines up with these facts; including the way the steel beams were sheered off. People who were in the basement report unexplained explosions, that wouldn't have been caused by the plane crashing into the upper floors. There was also a third building, which wasn't mentioned at the time, that was also demolished; and it wasn't hit by a plane. Another point that is made is the speed at which the buildings came down; much too fast for the heat generated by the fuel in the planes. If this sounds too weird to be true, check it out for yourself; go to YouTube and type in 9-11, or twin towers disaster.

The thing that got me inspired to work with my manuscript again is all the hints I've been getting since the news was full of the bank bail-outs. I've been following the CBCnews blog, and my comments inspired others to clue me in. The first ones I got was 'The Money Masters documentary' and 'Zeitgiest' as exposes of who has been in control all along. This all ties in with the phrase we've heard from time to time, from world leaders, when they talk about 'The New World Order.' The related videos that come with a YouTube search are disturbing too. It all makes me feel impotent, as I wonder if we've already lost too much freedom for any cause to be effective in shaping our own destiny. But then there is bible prophesy about the last dictator who will rule the world during the Great Tribulation. It fills the heart with anticipation for the end of the old evil world systems, but stirs a little angst at the idea of living through its destruction.

I used to be a radical thirty years ago, but life, and its social engineering, numbed me into going with the flow; however, I am encouraged that there are people out there still fighting for righteous causes. The lead I got that reveals the move to indict Bush and Cheney for war crimes is: . This is the news not covered by the standard media, because they are owned by those who don't want us to know the truth. Two other leads that are waking people up are: and . There's also a peace movement website, . I suspect that all the people involved in these causes will be on Fema's troublemakers list. Be sure to look up Fema on your search.

Originally the inspiration for my book was to share what I saw as unfolding prophesy, the only prophetic word that comes to mind right now is, "Everything that is hidden will be revealed." I would say it is rather timely that all this information is so easy to find on the net, if we only have the courage to seek the truth. I like that Jesus said, "The truth will set you free."

Monday, November 24, 2008

Feeling impotent.

As an artist, I felt some personal lack of essense for not coming up with a creative expression of the dreadful site that assailed us all day on tv, as Sept. 11, 2001 unfolded. It had been almost a decade since I became a born-again Christian, and lost my desire to be a successful painter. But this was the kind of thing that left you speechless, and the soul agonized in impotence; needing a way to express its bewilderment.

Since creative expression is as essential to some people, as the air we breathe, I had diverted my creative energy into writing. By the end of the day the idea for a short story was forming, as so much of what we were seeing made me think of Bible prophesy. Not being a natural novelist hung me up for a year. Then suddenly, as tv personalities, or stations spoke of things coming up for the first anniversary, I knew how to write my book.

I love the way C.S.Lewis wrote, "The Screwtape Letters" in a letter format; it would be a perfect way to reveal the unfolding of a thought process. Each letter could be an essay, which was my prefered writing style, and I would address my letters to the Lord; rather than a fictitious character. This would keep me honest, and hopefully serve as an example of how faith works.

It has been six years since I sat everymorning hammering out over a hundred and fifty pages, which never got past the first draft. Moving back to the city changed my focus, but things are happening that are still related to what I wrote then that have been hidden from the general public: for years; decades; even centuries; and are now coming to light. It make me happy that I didn't get back to the rewrite before now, and I see how niave my heart was when I started the first letter:

Sept. 5, 2002
Dear Lord:

As we approach Sept. 11th, I have mixed feelings about the big ado over the anniversary of the Twin Towers disaster. Can we ever forget where we were, what we were doing, or how unreal it all seemed at the time; the constant reruns are imprinted in deep memory. What disturbs me now, as it did then, is the renewed patriotic fervor. It smells like propaganda; especially since President Bush is sabre rattling [as one of the news guys put it], calling for Saddam's overthrow. I read in M.Scott Peck's book, "People of the Lie" that patriotism is national narcissism; tradition and indoctrination replacing freewill.

The big Anthrax scare reminded me of Bible prophecy; even unbelievers were worried about Armegaddon. Fear of biological warfare, and the increased concern about plagues like: West Nile Virus; Aids; and Malaria; to name a few--prompt the thought, "Could these things be the plagues released from the bowls of God's wrath, for The Great Tribulation to come?" (Rev.16). Anyone with common sense can see we are setting ourselves up for disaster: with greater global travel; the destruction of our environment; scientific and military advances. Every summer when I hear of the devastating fires in the west of our continent, and elsewhere, I remember the prediction that a third of the earths trees will be destroyed by fire (Rev. 8:7). It's all enough to make the heart panic, but I thank you, LORD, for the promise of Psalm 91; and the comfort of remembering the Hebrews in Goshen, when Egypt was smitten with ten plagues, which assures us that even today believers will be protected from the coming plagues too.

We are sure to see many replays of those towers crashing down to the ground. It's even more intense when set to music, which documentors tend to do. The heaps of rubble, the smoking twisted steel, and the strangely beautiful sunset, would be a film-makers dream; if it were not the real thing. Ground Zero definitely looked like something from an Apocalyptic movie. It really feels like todays fears are founded: with all the strange weather; wars and rumors of wars; and the other natural disasters. They are all things you spoke of when the apostles asked what the signs would be for the end of the age. We have the technology now for everyone in the world to see you return to the Mount of Olives. CNN with be there filming the hostility, as the nations come against Israel.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Some thoughts about my book.

It's hard to believe how long it's been since I posted on this blog. Initially my intention was to use it to publish my book, and it's been sitting on the shelf ever since.

The format took shape in my mind on the first anniversary of the 9-11 destruction of the twin towers, and the current events of the following months shaped the content. In the meantime so much has happened to change what was going on in my head that I'm filled with a lot of mixed feelings, which will undoubtedly change my perspective of how I saw history unfolding before my very eyes. Today, as we yet again see history happening under our noses, amazingly it's a continuation of what I was trying to express, but it was like wearing blinkers. Except for the fact that what I saw reminded me of biblical prophesy, I only saw what the media wanted me to see.

In passed months as I've blogged on the CBCnews blog, and my freewebs blog site, I've been given tips to watch certain documentaries on Google or YouTube, and given urls for websites that reveal who controls the systems we live in; plus the truth behind the New World Order. Just this passed week I was given links to non-partisan news links that cover the stories that don't get aired on Canadian tv, or covered in our standard newspapers. It was scary that we could have the wool pulled over our eyes for so long, and everyone seemed to be going about their day in a 'business as usual' mind set.

I'll give you this one link for now: ; keep an eye on this one. There is a swell of people pushing for the indictmant of Bush and Cheney for war crimes. Considering the lust of the media to be first with a newsbreaking story, it's odd that there is nothing in Canadian headlines about this.

The major inspiration for the book was my conviction that I was seeing prophesy unfold; I wanted to compare what was happening with passages from the book of Revelation. It's better that I couldn't seem to get back at it before now, because it's like I've now got the missing pieces to a jigsaw puzzle. I'll pick up from this point in my next post.