Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Feeling impotent (continued).

When I was writing the first draft I wasn't hooked up to the net, so my research was from National Geographic articles, plus Time magazine, and current affairs discussions with experts in foreign affairs; aired after the nightly news. As I listened to them I wondered if Saddam had some aide listening to American broadcasts, for surely he would want to stay abreast of what his enemy was saying about him. Someone brought up an impending election in which Bush's brother was a contender; it occured to me that the anniversary could make for some aggressive politicking. As an afterthought, the second anniversary seemed to slip by with very little attention.

Now I am online: doing Google and YouTube searches confirms my suspicion of the renewed patriotic fervor, with it's call for homeland security, and the 'sabre rattling' against the 'Axis of Evil' was all propaganda. It's obvious now that the fear of biological warfare was a prelude to taking Saddam down. This year, during the summer, I got wind of the theory that 9/11 was an inside job, engineered to give Bush an excuse to attack Afghanistan.

I always thought it was so amazing that both the towers imploded, keeping the debris centralized. To my surprise there are videos on YouTube explaining the process of demolition, and the evidence at ground zero that lines up with these facts; including the way the steel beams were sheered off. People who were in the basement report unexplained explosions, that wouldn't have been caused by the plane crashing into the upper floors. There was also a third building, which wasn't mentioned at the time, that was also demolished; and it wasn't hit by a plane. Another point that is made is the speed at which the buildings came down; much too fast for the heat generated by the fuel in the planes. If this sounds too weird to be true, check it out for yourself; go to YouTube and type in 9-11, or twin towers disaster.

The thing that got me inspired to work with my manuscript again is all the hints I've been getting since the news was full of the bank bail-outs. I've been following the CBCnews blog, and my comments inspired others to clue me in. The first ones I got was 'The Money Masters documentary' and 'Zeitgiest' as exposes of who has been in control all along. This all ties in with the phrase we've heard from time to time, from world leaders, when they talk about 'The New World Order.' The related videos that come with a YouTube search are disturbing too. It all makes me feel impotent, as I wonder if we've already lost too much freedom for any cause to be effective in shaping our own destiny. But then there is bible prophesy about the last dictator who will rule the world during the Great Tribulation. It fills the heart with anticipation for the end of the old evil world systems, but stirs a little angst at the idea of living through its destruction.

I used to be a radical thirty years ago, but life, and its social engineering, numbed me into going with the flow; however, I am encouraged that there are people out there still fighting for righteous causes. The lead I got that reveals the move to indict Bush and Cheney for war crimes is: http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/ . This is the news not covered by the standard media, because they are owned by those who don't want us to know the truth. Two other leads that are waking people up are: www.infowars.com/ and www.jonesreport.com/ . There's also a peace movement website, http://codepink4peace.org/ . I suspect that all the people involved in these causes will be on Fema's troublemakers list. Be sure to look up Fema on your search.

Originally the inspiration for my book was to share what I saw as unfolding prophesy, the only prophetic word that comes to mind right now is, "Everything that is hidden will be revealed." I would say it is rather timely that all this information is so easy to find on the net, if we only have the courage to seek the truth. I like that Jesus said, "The truth will set you free."

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