Thursday, November 27, 2008

National confusion.

The destruction of the World Trade Center was a great blow to the North American psyche, which caused a sudden, equally great increase of people seeking after You, Lord. I have wondered how You will convince all men that You are 'The Almighty God' of old, short of the day we all stand before Your throne, and see You with our own eyes. It took the plagues of Egypt to convince pharaoh that the Hebrew God was more powerful than the Egyptian gods; it took the miracles of the great exodus, and fourty years in the wilderness to erase the doubts of Your chosen people.

It is interesting that ancient Egypt is considered by some modern preachers as symbolic of the world. The system of rulership was essentially no different to any dictatorship, the great buildings that recorded the exploits of the pharaohs were nothing more than propaganda to build patriotism. Like any nation, the rules and regulations indoctrinate the people with traditions that replace freewill. Sadly, when living by the ways of the world, it robs us of trust in You, LORD.

Is is our faulty ideas of love and compassion that prevent us from understanding what is written about You, that Your ways are higher than ours? When I started to study the bible it was comforting to discover in the Old Testament that You patiently wait for us to dare to believe again. In faith, when faced with great devastation, all we can do is hold on to the promise that whatever the devil means for evil You will use for Your good purpose; so that we can grow to our full potential. This helped me to ponder the question of what each current trial can teach me.

One thing I heard while watching a current events discussion, revealed how patriotism blinds us. Most Americans can't understand how anyone can hate them enough to do such an awful thing. I think it stems from the human tendency to take attacks as personal, but in this case it is the American foreign policies that anger people who have been used to serve the American governments political, and economic purpose; only to be abandoned when they are no longer useful. It is little wonder that Saddam sees Bush as Satan.

Orwell's novel, '1984' exposed such tactics as the evil works of dictatorship. We relate them to Communism or Fascism, but the truth is that Colonialism and Imperialism operated the same way; it's an 'us and them' mentality that is bred by patriotism, and lust for control. Today's isms are Capitalism and Socialism. All of them are systems that are ruled by the nations elite, who want control over their own serfs, and the countries that have the natural resources they want. More than once I've heard middle-easterners say, "It's about the oil." Even Bush Sr. said in one of his speeches that war is about preserving 'our way of life.' Interestingly, any systems army cannot be sent off to kill 'the others' until they are indoctrinated by dehumanizing the projected enemy with labels such as: commie, gook, terrorist, and other derogatory terms. The big threat of any perceived enemy is the loss of freedom. How little we understand that freedom is only an illusion, created by social engineering.

Much of the western world is a product of Colonialism, ruled by a WASP sensibility, which can't perceive past a relatively shallow outlook on life. It has made us the spoiled brats of the world.
Without knowing it, all of North America has made the same mistakes as Israel did in the promised land; embracing the ways of the world, and turning their backs on God. Putting the conspiracy theories aside, it's no wonder you allowed the events of 9/11 to throw the people into confusion. Like Rip Van Winckle, my radical spirit has been asleep, and as I learn more of the coming New World Order it makes me nervous, and excited at the same time. For this is surely the establishing of the system that will be ruled by the last and most feared dictator.

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